Monday, 14 July 2014

I'm continuing my blog on The Gun. Not even sure if I'm making sense in the way I'm blogging.  I'm going to try to get in on other authors blogs and read theirs to see how they are proceeding with their blogs in an effort to learn more about this.  I hope some day I'll become good at this and enjoy it. At the moment its all a bit confusing. I hope anyone who reads my blogs will find them interesting and hopefully it will entice them to buy my book when it comes out after the summer. I'm half way through my second book at the moment. Detective Tadhg Sullivan the main character from The Gun is pursuing another case and once again is embroiled in controversy. I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out and hope you will be as well.

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Sorry folks had a bit of trouble with my blogs so am going to do it again all in one blog.  As you know I'm promoting my book 'The Gun' which is being published by Tirgearr Publishers hopefully by the end of September.  The book is about a man who has become so angered by the government that he feels he has no alternative but to strike back.  He is being pursued by Detective Tadhg Sullivan who is embroiled in problems of his own.  The book is set in a fictional Ireland, but one that everyone will recognise.

Initially the driving force behind me writing the book was a feeling of empathy with the position that the character in the book found himself.  But as my writing progressed the driving force became a belief in the old cliche 'that the pen is mightier than the sword' (or in this case -The Gun!!)